by Jane Silk
Many of us can be confident in our faith, and when we’re gathered together with other Christians, we often feel full of confidence.
But when daily life hits, it can all drain away. How can we change that, with God’s help?
Over the 40 days of Lent we will be exploring six key ways we can grow in confidence, and reflect on six true stories of how Christians today have seen God helping them live out their faith more confidently, by participating in the Confidence Devotional Journey.
Each day features a short reflection and a prayer prompt, both responding to a Bible verse. Each theme covers six days: five reflections and a story.
Because Sundays in Lent are traditionally set aside for reflecting as gathered church, you won’t get a prompt on Sundays.
You can sign up to receive the journey free via email here Confidence Devotional Journey | LICC - the first prompts will become available on Ash Wednesday.
For now, here’s a guide so you know what’ll be covered.
SESSION 1 On devotions 1–7 Confidence through being convinced
SESSION 2 On devotions 8–13 Confidence through community
SESSION 3 On devotions 14–19 Confidence through compassion
SESSION 4 On devotions 20–25 Confidence through consistent spiritual practices
SESSION 5 On devotions 26–31 Confidence through confidence
SESSION 6 On devotions 32–37 Confidence through courage
We have picked out some of these themes in our recent blog posts.