Sunday Worship
Everyone (and we mean everyone!) is welcome to come along to our Sunday morning gatherings. If it's your first time exploring faith or you are looking for a place you can call home, we would love to welcome you to worship.
We meet every Sunday in our church building at 10:30am. Our gatherings are informal, with a combination of modern songs and some traditional hymns and include a time of worship, praise, prayer, and a reflection on God's word. They last about 1 hour 15 mins and are followed with tea, coffee, and an opportunity to chat and pray together.
Each week there are activities for children including Creche (0-4yrs), Lighthouse Club (7-11yrs), and BosBap Youth (12-16yrs).
Most of our gatherings are broadcast on YouTube as well, so if you are unable to attend in person you can catch-up online too.

Encounter Family
On the first Sunday of each month we gather at 10:30am for an 'all age' and family friendly fun time of worship. This is a much more informal gathering, based around games, crafts, songs, God's word, and prayer followed by refreshments. Everyone is welcome to join us for what has proven to be a very popular Sunday gathering of worship. Visit our calendar to find out when the next Encounter Family is being held.

Encounter Worship

On the last Sunday of each month we gather at 6pm in our church building for a time of lively worship, praise, and prayer. The worship music is mainly 'modern' worship, often led by Paula and Rob Howlett, and we encourage a time of Spirit led worship and praise. Encounter Worship evenings gather Christians from all denominations and everyone is welcome to come and meet (encounter!) with God in new and exciting ways. Visit our calendar to find out when the next gathering is being held.