Christmas 2023
What's On @ Burnham On Sea Baptist Church this Christmas

Café Church
Sunday, 3rd December 2023 - 10:30am
Our first Sunday of the month is a relaxed and informal 'café style' worship gathering for all the family. In December we shall starting our Advent series of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Kick-start your Christmas celebrations with prayer, praise, and worship.

Traditional Carol Service
Tuesday, 5th December 2023 7:00pm
In association with Moose International you are invited to celebrate Christmas with a traditional carol service followed by mince pies. Everyone welcome.

All-Age Nativity & Carol Service
Sunday, 17th December 2023 10:30am
Join us for a fun and informal carol service for all the family. Come dressed up as a character from the nativity story!! Everyone welcome and there will be mince pies and refreshments afterwards.

Christmas Day
Monday, 25th December 2023 10:30am
Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on this special day. Family friendly praise, worship, and prayer. Everyone welcome.